Monday, May 4, 2009

Sew, Stitch, Seam, Go

This evening marks a day in history. I have begun to learn how to make clothes for my baby! Whoohooo. The fabulous Mary Lou has women over every Monday evening to learn how to sew or (if you already know how) just to sew together. It's so fun! I have started on a reversible bubble for my baby. And...she has a monogram machine, so get ready Special K. Momma's ideas will end up on your skeleton. Smooch.

Come on people with this movie quote. This MQ is one of the greatest chic flicks of all time. Here's MQ #3. Do you not like my game? I can just give you the script until you get this one.

"I know exactly who I am sweetheart. I'm a guy that came a long way for lunch"


"if you haven't noticed, I am throwing myself at you!"


Anonymous said...

aren't all these from cutting edge, why are you doing the same flick over and over boo boo?

Amanda said...

cutting edge of course! is this what you have been shamelessly watching while sick on the couch?

Anonymous said...

The Cutting Edge is the best movie EVER!
