Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Kade spent the night with Mimi last night. She took off today to play with her grandbaby. This was just the 3rd night he has been away from me, and yes, I still hate it. However, I did sleep so very soundly and woke up at 8:30!!! That is the time I should be entering my office. Woops. I still made it by 9 but wow. It felt great. I still don't get that feeling of "yeah, baby is away" but maybe that hits when you have multiples. I know he had so much fun with his Mimi though and that time is so important. My mamaw and papaw have been so very dear to me. They were married 62 years this past Sunday. Can you even imagine that? Wow. The Lord has been so evident in their lives and our family is who we are today because of their love for one another and their love for their family. Velma Jean and Eugene are a couple that you could write a book about with all their hilarious moments and their unconditional love. I can't wait to sit with them again and eat some of that yummy homemade breakfast Velma J cooks up in the kitchen. That kind of smell that wakes you up in the morning praising the Lord! Papaw has been a little forgetful lately which has really taken its toll of mamaw. He gets mad and blames her for not being able to drive. It's so tough to watch, but at the same time, it's truly precious to see just how much she cares for him. He worries her to death, but she would sit by his side 24/7 if she had to and wait on his every need. Once again, unconditional love. I love you Jean and Gene and I can't wait to get my arms around you both!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My little model

These are a few I took of Kade. I truly do have a gorgeous kiddo. I like to capture those good looks as often as I can. (Am I supposed to be a humble mom?)...nah.

A Happy Spook Day

Halloween weekend was fun filled. Saturday started with a nice workout and then a trip to a Fall Festival which was soooooo crowded. 30 minutes was all we could do there. Kade and I took a lovely 2 1/2 hour nap and then we got ready for our evening. We had a fun night with the cousins. So, Kade was supposed to be Dwight Shroot from the Office, but the weather was a little chilly and my mother forbid it since she doesn't even know who he is. So, the skeleton pajamas it was. I took my self to Target and sqeezed into a child's skeleton costume to twinky it with my little bones sidekick. We took the kids on the hayride in Chad's neighborhood (compliments of the Medlocks) and the kids would hop off and trick or treat. Kade got the hang of it pretty quick. Enjoy the pics!