Thursday, September 4, 2008


Wow, I got a lot of good advice after my last blog. However, I think I didn't write what I meant to say. You see, Kade was going to sleep beautifully up until about a week ago. We had used the crying out method. He did great. However, about a week ago, he started waking up frequently. I was hoping he wasn't reverting back to his old ways, and I just didn't want to have to go through the crying it out thing again. I started questioning that method for us and everything. Well, it turns out...Baby Kade has croup virus? Basically, it is cold-like symptoms but luckily no fever with him. He has wanted to be held almost all night, mainly because he doesn't feel good. Which, makes me feel bad that I was trying to let him cry himself to sleep again and didn't realize my baby boy was sick. Poor thang! Anyway, he hasn't had to miss daycare since he hasn't had a fever. The doc told him to go back to school and "give it back to the daycare" since that's probably what gave it to him. Gotta love him. Well, just wanted to brief you on everything. It is good to know that people actually read my blog. Have I mentioned how much I love my kid! I think he's the only baby that enjoys me sucking snot out of his nose. He finds it humorous.


Carin Johnson said...

Oh, Tara, I feel for you. Alex had croup with the fever. Had to take him to the E.R. because he was having so much trouble breathing. Scary stuff.

The Solomons said...

Poor Baby Kade! Hold him and love him!!! :) Maybe he can teach cousin Madeline to let us suck her nose out!