Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to Me!!! Go Big Blue!

Well, let me just start by saying I work for the best organization in the world! I have been dreading, and I mean, dreading going back to work on Monday. I "tested" everything yesterday and today, but I never went very long without seeing my baby. I have been praying and praying about my nerves and how Kade and I both will handle me going back to work, particularly since he is not taking a bottle. Therefore, I decided to propose to my boss a "flexible work schedule". I researched how a lot of wonderful organizations are creating these policies in the workplace, and it is brilliant...I might add. I proposed half days at the office in the morning and the afternoons working at home. My boss was so wonderful and agreed to try it for 60 days, and he thinks it will be a great fit for me and my position. So, I will get to have a Kade fix in the afternoons. I will work upstairs in our loft area, and I can go down and feed my baby when he gets hungry and just kiss that face every now and then. Believe me, I will be a much better employee because of this. I was beginning to think I needed medication. I have already experienced a huge weight lifted when he agreed. I truly believe and know God has intervened in all of this, and I am so very grateful to my employer and boss for allowing this trial period. My transition has now changed from dreadful to excitement. Thank you, Baptist Health Care and Dr. D! You are truly the best workplace in America. :)


Carin Johnson said...

Tara---I am so happy for you!! That is ideal!!

Leslie said...

YAY!!! I knew it would work out...can't wait to see you for a bit today.

XOXO...Happy Mother's Day!