Saturday, February 23, 2008

Here's My Angel....Welcome to Earth Kade Jay Rollins

Kade Jay Rollins was born a beautiful Valentine's baby on Thursday, February 14th at 9:05 am weighing in at 8 lbs 9.8 ozs and 22 inches long! It was a miraculous experience. For anyone that does not believe in God, the journey of pregnancy from conception to birth should certainly clarify any uncertainty. I went in on Wednesday with contractions and back pain. After hours of monitoring, it was decided that I was not in true labor. Dr. Lisa Tucker, greatest OB/GYN (along with Dr. Tracey Doyle) decided to induce me at midnight due to a spike in blood pressure. She just didn't want to take any chances. At midnight, we started the pitocin and at 7am, there had been absolutely no change. When contractions got too close together, Kade's heart rate dropped drastically several times. Therefore, Dr. Tucker wanted to bring him on into this world by c-section. I was very nervous, but prayers brought me through the nerves. At 9:05, any fear or pain that I might have experienced just disappeared when they showed me my gorgeous baby boy. Kevin and I are so blessed. While the ride has not been a breeze, we are enjoying every moment of this journey. Enjoy the pics!

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